Understand Your Strengths and Weaknesses
You’ve got a new product or service, and you need to know where it stands above the competition, and where it’s vulnerable. This is why you need IOI Friends & Foes: a unique approach that pits respondents against each other in friendly competition, with two teams arguing for and against your product. In the end, who will prevail—your Friends, or your Foes?
Our Approach
We do some preliminary investigation with respondents to determine whether they would make the perfect Friend or Foe for your product or service. Once we’ve assigned teams, we do some fun exercises to build rapport, then give the teams specific exercises to allow them to make their case. We leave time for some group discussion on broader themes, as well as some potential breakouts on emerging topics.
Due to its highly interactive nature, IOI Friends & Foes takes the form of an in-person group session. Plan on being in the backroom — our clients love seeing and hearing these dynamic sessions firsthand!